Unfolding Vapo (djvu) Multi-staged Ransomware

Osama Ellahi
9 min readNov 13, 2023



Executive Summary

Vapo is a version of the Djvu ransomware family. It encrypts the victim’s files and demands a ransom in exchange for decryption tools/key. The virus was detected during a Virus Total analysis of newly submitted samples. It should be noted that Vapo might be delivered alongside other viruses, such as Redline or Vidar stealers. If infected, users may notice symptoms such as occasional beaconing to certain URLs, strange blue screen popups, and the appearance of an executable, which steals browser secrets and makes persistent connections inside the system.

YARA signature rules are attached in Appendix. Malware behavior samples and hashes have been submitted to Virus Total for further examination.

High-Level Technical Summary

Vapo malware consists of three major parts. The first part/stage is ransomware which encrypts system files using symmetric and asymmetric encryption, if the system is not connected to the internet it uses SALSA20 with the local key and when the internet is connected, it gets the public RSA key to encrypt the local key. The second part/stage part is persistence which uses the task scheduler of Windows to start this exe after every 1 minute. The third part/stage is so complex and does a lot of malicious activities like browser secrets stealing, network device information and injection of shellcode.

Malware Composition and Analysis

1st main — binary.exe — X32


Build2.exe — X32


Build3.exe — X32


Main binary

The initial executable that runs after a successful spear phishing / dropper is main.exe, I collected the malware from [1] malware bazar.

After running the malware on the system in a few minutes it encrypts all the system files and the extension of files becomes .vapo.

Figure 1 First detonation

The first behavior is GetStartupInfoW which is called after startup persistence occurs of malware in the system.

Figure 2 Calling getstartupinfo after persistence.

If we look more at it, the malware also queries registries for startup information. Usually exploit uses three basic persistence behavior [2]. One of the persistence is a registry, in which the exploit turns on the registry startup value of it and at the start of the system, it is called automatically.

Figure 3 Registry queries
Figure 4 Specific path of ransomware

After making persistence successfully inside the system using the registry, it locks the AppData Local folder so that even the admin could not delete it.

Figure 5 Locking folder so that no one can delete it.

Let’s break down this safe lock which is achieved by ransomware. The following command is used by the ransomware to lock the folder to be safe from deletion in the future.

Path: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\icacls.exe

Command: icacls “C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\b5bf24e0-e54b-4604–9033- 3e66b124bbc6” /deny *S-1–1–0:(OI)(CI)(DE,DC)

The file “icacls.exe” is an executable program that is included with the Windows operating system. It stands for “Integrity Control Access Control List” and is used to manage permissions and access control lists (ACLs) for files and directories.

After that, it starts encrypting files immediately and even tries shared folders to encrypt files. This binary does not do privilege escalation technically but if it is executed as non-admin it will ask for permission.

Figure 6 Ransomware asking for permission from UAC.

But if it is executed as admin, it executes smoothly and performs all tasks.

Figure 7 Encrypting shared folder.

In the future, this binary will be executed from the app data folder.

Figure 8 Copying itself to a safe location for future detonation.

It also behaves as a dropper but first, let’s look at some network indicators and encryption type.

At the start of encryption, this malware creates a connection on a remote server and gets the encryption key.

Figure 9 C2 connection

This request returns the encryption public RSA key which can be seen in Figure [7]. It makes a request to [hxxp://zexeq.com/raud/get.php?pid=DD54DCE69C3A273ED3BE1B2F8AC23E65&first=true]. In this request, the PID in the Get request identifies the victim system and on the domain zexq.com, there is a full database of all victims and their encryption keys. Now by looking at the response of this URL, we can say this is an RSA key that will encrypt the local key. Because the ransomware did all encryption even if it is not connected to the internet.

Figure 10 C2 connection breakdown

This public RSA key is saved in the [C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\bowaskkedestx.txt] location. The ransomware uses this key to encrypt the local key of SALSA20 [9]. In this screenshot, I can’t show the key because I have isolated network activities, but this is the exact location of the key. This public RSA key is saved in this location when the internet is connected to the device.

Figure 11 RSA key location in local device.

While encrypting the files in folders it also drops _readme files which tells about the contact of authors and ransom for recovery.

Figure 12 Ransom note.

As I mentioned earlier, this first exe also behaves as a dropper, it downloads two different malwares from two different locations.

At first, it downloads build2.exe from [hxxp://colisumy.com/dl/build2.exe] and build3.exe from [hxxp://zexeq.com/files/1/build3.exe]. These both exploits have different malicious behavior from the previous main malware. So far, we have only collected host-based and network-based indicators for analysis because I could not store the assembly screenshots but for these two exploits, we will look in more detail.

Figure 13 Dropping more exploits.


This is stage 2 which is downloaded by its parent malware from [hxxp://zexeq.com/files/1/build3.exe]. The main purpose of this binary was to maintain the whole persistence mechanism. Let’s see how persistence is achieved.

This exploit uses the task scheduler functionality of Windows for the auto start of malicious activity after specific time and it use the name Azure-Update-Tak to look more legitimate.

Figure 14 Malicious command for presistance.
Figure 15 Task Tree.

The following command is used to achieve the goal.

: /C /create /F /sc minute /mo 1 /tn “Azure-Update-Task” /tr “C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Network\mstsca.exe”

Now if we visit the task scheduler from Windows, we can trace down the task which is present by the name Azure-Update-Task. If we see the action, we can see the location of the file which will be executed, and we can also go to triggers to see what condition is used to trigger the task.

Figure 16 Task scheduler

So far if we understand the behavior of build3, it only creates the task for running a file in the network, but we did not see any file on that location so let’s dive into that.

Build3 also queries for the global path of \\Microsoft\\Network which is C:\Users\%USername%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Network\ It checks if this path is not present then create a folder on this location. By default, there is no Network in Roaming\Microsoft.

Figure 17 Checking Network Path

After creating the network folder, it copies itself to the network folder with the name of mstsca.exe. CopyFileW, which is window function is used in assembly for copy file to destination.

Figure 18 Copying file to Network.

This build3.exe did not show any other malicious behavior other than making it persistence in the system and it gets the clipboard data. But it did not send to any remote location, this happen maybe because it was running on VM. We don’t see any behavior other than this on Sandboxes also.


This is stage2 exploit but for unique name we will say it stage3 which was downloaded from main malware. It uses interesting malicious behaviors involving network discovery for lateral movement, shellcode injection and browser session stealing techniques.

Stage 3 firstly inject shellcode in the thread using RtlAllocateHeap and VirtualAlloc.

Figure 19 Injection in progress
Figure 20 Injection in progress

There is VM detection and Debugger detection filters implemented here, which checks if the debugger is running or not.

CreateToolhelp32Snapshot is used which is the default function and it creates a snapshot for running processes.

Module32First is also used which takes snapshots of modules running.

IsDebuggerPresent determines whether the calling process is being debugged by a user-mode debugger.

Figure 21 Debugger Detection

After all these checks it resume the injected thread using NtResumeThread function.

Figure 22 Start injected shellcode.

The real detonation starts after this point. It fetches the cache [3] of available browsers from [C:\Users\burgo\AppData\LocalLow\Microsoft\CryptnetUrlCache\Content].

Figure 23 Fetching Cache

It did not stop at cache; it steals the sessions also. For this analysis, I had only Microsoft edge that’s way I am only showing its paths. For those who don’t know the session stealing, if attacker steals all your session or even from one domain, he/she can do all actions of that domain without authentication/ logins. Even if that domain has multi factor authentication, if the attacker has the cookies, he/she can bypass all authentication checks.

Figure 24 Cookies Stealing

It also steals users browsing internet history from History.IE5 folder. The system stores all the history of browsing in History.IE5 folder.

Figure 25 History.IE5 data fetching


There are SHA256 signatures of files.

























A. Yara Rules

Note: This rule would not apply if there were packing, injection, encoding and encryption techniques implemented in exploit.

rule vapo_persistence_build3{


last_updated = “2023/06/01”

author = “osamaellahi”

description = “Task Scheduler Persistence specifically related to vapo ransomware”

hash = “8d7f0e6b6877bdfb9f4531afafd0451f7d17f0ac24e2f2427e9b4ecc5452b9f0”


$string_for_azure = {41 00 7a 00 75 00 72 00 65 00 2d 00 55 00 70 00 64 00 61 00 74 00 65 00 2d 00 54 00 61 00 73 00 6b }

$string_for_shtaskpath = {43 00 3a 00 5c 00 57 00 69 00 6e 00 64 00 6f 00 77 00 73 00 5c 00 53 00 79 00 73 00 74 00 65 00 6d 00 33 00 32 00 5c 00 73 00 63 00 68 00 74 00 61 00 73 00 6b 00 73 00 2e 00 65 00 78 00 65}

$s2 = {2f 00 43 00 20 00 2f 00 63 00 72 00 65 00 61 00 74 00 65 00 20 00 2f 00 46 00 20 00 2f 00 73 00 63 00 20 00 6d 00 69 00 6e 00 75 00 74 00 65 00 20 00 2f 00 6d 00 6f }

$string_for_mtscexe = {6d 00 73 00 74 00 73 00 63 00 61 00 2e 00 65 00 78 00 }


$string_for_azure and $string_for_shtaskpath and $s2 and $string_for_mtscexe


Callback URLs and IPs





A. References

1. https://bazaar.abuse.ch/download/4de2d00f758ece9e388f390616b66ca6581376cc674a6c2448f1bd9301246e8b/

2. https://osamaellahi.medium.com/three-most-powerful-malware-persistence-techniques-fb3408dde63d

3. https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/cryptneturlcache/73764abd-ad90-4060-8431-32290f3223a6

4. https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/4de2d00f758ece9e388f390616b66ca6581376cc674a6c2448f1bd9301246e8b/behavior

5. https://tria.ge/230525-lt9d9shg2v

6. https://www.vmray.com/analyses/_vt/4de2d00f758e/report/overview.html

7. https://analyze.neiki.dev/reports/4de2d00f758ece9e388f390616b66ca6581376cc674a6c2448f1bd9301246e8b

8. https://www.joesandbox.com/analysis/875383/0/html

9. https://gridinsoft.com/ransomware/djvu/vapo#:~:text=Learn%20more%20-%3E-,Encryption%20process,the%20most%20powerful%20regular%20PC.



Osama Ellahi
Osama Ellahi

Written by Osama Ellahi

I am cyber security reseacher and I love to meet new people in cyber industry to discuss new ideas. More Blogs : https://breachnova.com

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